Cath is still doing very well and it looks like our target date of 13 Jan 22 might happen. We will be together again. It is weird being away from her.
I spent the day learning from the current host at the campground. Duties will be easy and takes a few hours each day while we are on duty. The bath houses are the biggest job, but it's not too bad.
I met all the Rangers and office personnel today. They are super friendly folks and love to tease, we will fit right in! Got our new "Host T-shirts" and they look good. They gave me a hat also, but it's not my style!
I'll be shadowing the other hosts again tomorrow and get to clean the ladies bathroom...can't wait...LOL.
Kaylee is doing fine. She likes her walks, but does well in the camper by herself.
I did a little food shopping this afternoon. The market is only 10 minute away and has most everything we will need.
We got our January schedule and I have off all the days I need to be with Cath for her upcoming appoints.