Tuesday, July 19, 2022

FROG Rally, Chenango Valley SP, NY Day 8

It rained fairly hard most of the night. Campground and our site was soaked in the morning. Around 0900 the rain let up a little. We did our final packing, teardown, and hookup, and headed to the dump station. The rain started again, I got soaked!
The rain finally let up after about an hour into our drive home. The rest of the trip was uneventful.
When we got home we unhooked the camper and headed to Jerry and Carolyn's to rescue Kaylee. She was glad to see us, but being at Jerry and Carolyn's is like being at a Doggie Spa, it's treat city!
It's been a fun week. We plan to attend the Rally next year. We made tons of new camping friends!

FROG Rally, Chenango Valley SP, NY Day 7

The last potluck breakfast started at 0830. Food was great as usual.
Everyone was saying their thanks and goodbyes, but there are a few of us staying one more day.
We spent the rest of the morning and afternoon in camp yakking with the other folks that are staying and watching the mass exodus.
In the evening we went to a local craft brewery call Beer Tree. The beer, atmosphere, and food was great.
Back at camp we got everything packed up for our departure tomorrow. Heavy rain is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Should be a fun trip home!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

FROG Rally, Chenango Valley SP, NY Day 6

Potluck breakfast was at 0830 this morning. Cath's French toast casserole was a hit. These potlucks are great, but we are going to gain 5 pounds this weekend between all the food and ABs.
We hung around camp talking with all the FROG neighbors and swapping stories.
At 1600 in the afternoon the Rally had a "Camper Crawl". This means six of us got to show off our campers, explain any modifications we've made and let 75 folks walk through the camper. Cath and I got to show ours off!
Here's a pic of the neighbors being visited during the crawl.
After the crawl it was potluck dinner time again. Lots of great food and lots of stories.
We spent the rest of the evening and part of the night with our next door neighbors. We had a great time with the and look forward to seeing the again. Had a few night caps with them then off to bed. 
On more potluck breakfast at 0830 tomorrow.

Friday, July 15, 2022

FROG Rally, Chenango Valley SP, NY Day 5

The day started at 0930 with a welcome breakfast for all the FROGs at the Rally. We had pancakes, sausage, coffee, and juice provided by our Rally Hosts. A good time was had by all.
Cath and I spent the afternoon preparing Sticky Chicken for the potluck supper this evening. We did the chicken frying on the grill in a cast iron skillet. Then moved it all inside to bake in the oven. We did four dozen wings and drumettes. After the potluck there was only two pieces left. Everyone raved about it and many wanted the recipe.
In-between the frying I spent much of the afternoon drinking beers with our neighbors. There may have been a few shots involved also. All in all it was a fun day.
Here's a few pics of the potluck.
Here's the line for dinner. There is 75 folks here!
We were visited by this guy. Not a FROG, but we all got a kick out of it.
After dinner there was a raffle for a bunch of FROG items. We won a hat and a couple of thermoses.
We got back to the camper around 2030. Cath prepared the French Toast Casserole for the potluck breakfast tomorrow. Then off to bed. We will sleep good tonight.

FROG Rally, Chenango Valley SP, NY Day 4

We ran a quick errand this morning to get some more charcoal.
Back at camp we spent the afternoon walking around and talking to all the other FROGs arriving.
After dinner we spent some time at another camp around the campfire with about 25 other folks. It's fun to hear all the stories and share some of our own. We didn't get back to the camper until after 2200!
As we were getting ready for bed we realized the fresh water tank was empty, so I spent 30 minutes filling it back up. We have power here, but no water on site. We have enough hose to reach to the nearest spigot. 
The weather continues to be perfect, 70s and 50s.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

FROG Rally, Chenango Valley SP, NY Day 3

The weather was perfect this morning at 0530. 61 degrees and fog. The fish were biting! Here's a pic:
Sorry..the one without a head was our breakfast. The others are all vacuumed up and in the freezer.
We headed over to the Candy store and Candle factory, picked up a few things we did not need and headed back to camp.
So here's our stash:
The other folks (FROGS) have started arriving. It's been fun to talk to some of them. I'm sure there will be lots more arriving tomorrow.
It's been another nice day, but we are missing Kaylee. It feels funny not to have her around the camper. She will be happier with Jerry, Carolyn, & Megan as they are expecting 70+ campers for this Rally. 

FROG Rally, Chenango Valley SP, NY Day 2

Got up early (0530) to do some fishing. Checked the weather as we had a warning for thunderstorms. So the fishing will have to wait until tomorrow.
We drove into town to pick up all the stuff we forgot. You'd think after all the camping we've done we wouldn't forget anything! Oh well, we got a good sub sandwich out of the trip!
Back at camp we did a little camp maintenance and played some cribbage. around 1500 more thunderstorms rolled in. We had quite a downpour with lots of wind. Everything outside got soaked even under the awning. Our front yard turned into a lake.
Here's a few pics of the site.

All is well in the Boss Camp even though it's a little wet!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

FROG Rally, Chenango Valley SP, NY Day 1

We left home around 1130 and made the 135 mile drive to Chenango Valley State Park near Binghamton, NY. We are here for a week to attend a FROG (Forest River Owner's Group) Rally. I think we may be the first campers to arrive. Most folks are arriving on Thursday as the Rally doesn't start until Friday. There will be 30 campsites involved and around 60 folks, It should be a fun time.
This is the first time we've towed with the new truck. It did very well. Gas mileage is around 8 mpg about the same as the old truck. With the ten speed transmission you hardly notice it shifting. The ride is about the same as the old truck also. Best part is that giant screen for navigation.
We arrived at camp around 1500, got all set up, relaxed, and had a nice shrimp dinner.
I'll post some pics of the site tomorrow.