Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 119 The Life of a Camp Host

It was a fairly easy day compared to yesterday. We had everything done by mid morning except the bathhouse.
Our new co-host arrived around noon. I cleaned up their site before they arrived. They spent the afternoon getting settled in.
The find of the day is another painted rock.
Whoever painted this one did a nice job. I re-hid it. We will see if I find it again!
Weather has turned hot and humid. It was 80 today and forecast to be 85 tomorrow.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 118 The Life of a Camp Host

Although it's supposed to be a day off, we were on today as our co-host is packing up and leaving. It's been super fun hosting with her. We will all stay in touch and I'm sure we will see her before we leave as she is local.
Because it is Sunday we were super busy with 17 campers leaving. I think all of them had campfires over the weekend as every firepit was full of ashes.
The find of the day was this fish stringer. 
I think it is brand new and never used as the fishing here has been terrible. It now lives in my tackle box.

Winter Excursion 7, Day 117 The Life of a Camp Host

Although we were off today we never left camp.
Did a little camp maintenance, book reading, and people watching.
The incoming co-host dropped off a few things. It was good to see her, we hosted together last year.
We got a corned beef brisket ready to smoke tomorrow. We used a recipe we use to do years ago. We will have it for our current co-host's going away dinner. 
Although not a find of the day this gem rolled by in the late afternoon.
It's a 1953 Chevy. 1953 is my birth year!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 116 The Life of a Camp Host

We are off for the weekend!
We headed to Statesboro for a few supplies. Along the way we spotted this sign. I could not resist a pic.
Back at camp we just relaxed during the afternoon. Talked with a few of the campers and did some reading. I took an e-bike ride and got this pic of the park entrance with an eastern redbud in bloom.
Our co-host came over and spent the evening with us. A few toddies and lots of gab! It's been a fun day!


Friday, February 24, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 115 The Life of a Camp Host

When I went to the office this morning to pick up the site slips for incoming campers I told the story about the Ranger's dog. The park staff and I spent the rest of the day teasing him about loose dogs and leash rules!
We had a few campers leave and a few arrive. Site clean up was easy today as we've haven't had any more rain, thank goodness. We checked all the vacant sites in preparation for the weekend as we will be full, but we are off!
This morning around 0930 our power cut off. I checked all the pedestal breakers and all seemed well, but the 50 amp plug was not working. I gave maintenance a call and we had it fixed by noon. That was a good thing as temps are in the mid 80s with high humidity.
Our new co-host came by with a load of plants and such for her site. We hosted with her last year. They will be here Monday and our current co-host leaves on Sunday.
The find of the day was these rose pedals.
I'm hoping the guy at this site was not playing the "Love Me, Love Me Not" game. If he was then she loves him NOT!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 114 The Life of a Camp Host

It was an easy day as host. Had a few campers leave and a few arrive. By 1300 we were basically finished.
We spent the afternoon outside reading and enjoying the warm weather.
The find of the day was this tube of lip balm.
I hope the owner greased-up before losing it at the campsite, but I doubt chapped lips are a problem in 80 degree weather.
After dinner I went outside for one more look at the campground. This guy surprised (scared) me for a second. 
Turns out he was very friendly. A few minutes later the Park Ranger came by asking if I'd see a dog. Seems the little guy slipped his collar and went exploring. It was the Ranger's dog. I reminded him dogs need to be on a 6 foot lease at all times.....LOL

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 113 The Life of a Camp Host

I forgot a pic from yesterday. Here's the Kids and Kiddos with our park buddy, Sasquatch.
We slept in late this morning, hung out at camp until 1000, and then drove to town for a few supplies and some propane.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing in 80 degree weather, but it was cloudy with a nice breeze.
We spent some time yakking with our co-host and with some of the other campers that stopped by.
We are back on duty tomorrow, but it should be an easy two days compared with a weekend. 

Winter Excursion 7, Day 112 The Life of a Camp Host

The morning started with the amount of craziness you would expect having 4 adults, 2 kids, and 2 dogs spend the night in our camper. A fun time was had by all. 
We finally got everyone moving and got breakfast going. Got Brian on the flat top and Wesley cracking the eggs. He said he was a pro at it, but I think it was his first time.

We ate breakfast outside as the weather is perfect again!
The Kiddos brought their little E-bike and the Kids rode our new one. I think they covered the entire park!
After breakfast the Kids and Kiddos went for a hike on one of the parks trails. I rode the E-bike over and found them on the trail.
Back at camp we had lunch and then they had to pack up and leave. There is football practice tonight and school tomorrow. It's been a fun and fast 24 hours.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 111 The Life of a Camp Host

We thought it would be an easy morning as it is Sunday on a three day weekend. We forgot it was a holiday weekend (President's Day). We had eight campers leaving and eight arriving.
Our Kids and Kiddos were scheduled to arrive around noon. Three of the eight campers leaving decided to leave at 1159 or later (checkout is 1200). I finally got the sites cleaned up for the arriving campers and as we were cleaning the bathhouse the Kids and Kiddos arrived. It all worked out just fine.
When they arrived the first order of business was Skittles and M&Ms. The Kiddos know how it works. Get a small cup from the bathroom, hit the canisters of candy, lay on the couch, and enjoy!
Nicole got on the E-bike and decided to take their dog, Ringo, for a ride. He was having none of that although the pic looks otherwise.
We all had a super dinner of crab and shrimp sandwiches. We all enjoyed an evening by the campfire including smores, and back in the camper a movie. Sorry, Granddad went to bed before the movie!
Weather was perfect and is forecast the same tomorrow. 
Everyone will sleep good tonight!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 110 The Life of a Camp Host

Although the campground is full it was a very easy day. We had one camper leave and one camper arrive! Cleaning the bathhouse was easy also, it was hardly used. We sold a lot of firewood so Craig's delivery service was in high gear.
The find of the day was these two crayons.

I will save them! They may belong to an upcoming, soon to be famous, artist, and may be worth a fortune some day.
We spent a good part of the day talking to all the campers and people watching.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 109 The Life of a Camp Host

Today was super busy. I spent the morning getting 18 sites ready for the weekend campers. They started arriving right after we finished the bathhouse cleaning. 
Cath spent the afternoon doing laundry. I did some camp maintenance and watched all the new campers arriving. By 1700 the campground was full.
We thought we would sell lots of firewood today as it's forecast to be in the 30s tonight, but we only sold two bundles.
The find of the day was this golden Indian arrowhead.
As with all the other "jewels" I find, I'll have to get it appraised. One of these finds will make us rich...LOL!

Winter Excursion 7, Day 108 The Life of a Camp Host

Today we left camp early and did our grocery shopping in Swainsboro. The plan was for me to get a haircut while Cath did the shopping. When I got to the barber shop he said was was booked up until 1500. So I helped Cath with the shopping and headed back to the barber on the afternoon. 
Back at camp it was cribbage time. 
Our co-host came over around 1730 and spent the evening with us by the campfire.
Back on duty tomorrow for the weekend. The campground is 100% booked.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 107 The Life of a Camp Host

We are off today and tomorrow. We left camp at 0900 and headed to Costco just outside of Pooler, GA and Hunter Army Airfield just outside of Savannah. Picked up a few things we needed and then headed back home after lunch at Chick-fil-A.
Watched the comings and goings in the campground and relaxed.
My new Tablet (Samsung Tab A8) arrived today and I spent the late afternoon and evening getting it all set up. 
Temps were near 80 today and forecast for the same tomorrow. Summer is arriving in Georgia! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 106 The Life of a Camp Host

It was a fairly easy day. We had a few campers arrive and only two leaving. We spent the afternoon outside playing cribbage. Weather is perfect.
The find of the day was this shoelace.
I figure someone is limping around with a loose shoe. I just haven't found them.
We are off for the next two days, then on for a busy weekend.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 105 The Life of a Camp Host

Back on duty today. All is well with the campground. We are about half full. Spent part of the day cleaning debris from the storms we had over the weekend. One of the sites was about 4 inches deep in wet leaves that had washed in during the rains. It took awhile to rake it all out.
The find of the day is not really a find.
One of our campers have their golf cart decorated for Valentine's Day. They also told me they decorate it for every holiday. They have a bin with the decorations for each event!
While I was walking Kaylee this morning I noticed this fern growing out of a cedar tree in front of our campsite. Not sure if someone planted it there or not.
Around 1900 we had a camper pull in with no reservations. They were lucky we had a few sites open. I gave them a tour of the available sites and had them settled in by 1930. 
Looks like the weather has changed for the better, warm temps and no rain in the forecast.


Monday, February 13, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 104 The Life of a Camp Host

The rain finally stopped mid morning. I hope we are finished with rain for awhile. If not I'm going to change my title to Marina Host!
We spent the afternoon preparing for Super Bowl this evening. Cath made some yummy treats. We had our Co-Host over for dinner and to watch the game. After the game we went straight to bed as we are on duty tomorrow.
No rain in the forecast, we are hoping this place dries out.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 103 The Life of a Camp Host

We were "camper bound today". It started raining this morning and lasted all day. I'm writing this the next morning and it's still raining! It should stop later this morning.
We played some cribbage and then binge watched 1883.
Super bowl tomorrow and we have all the health food to go with it! 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 102 The Life of a Camp Host

After a lazy morning we drove into town for a few supplies for the weekend.
Back at camp we did some camp maintenance, took a nice walk, and yakked with our co-host.
Rain was forecast for all night and all today, but it never happened. The forecasters for this area are almost never right. I call them weather guessers. They have the only job where you can always be wrong and still get paid!
I didn't have a find of the day as we are off, but our co-host found this on one of the sites.
These folks were here for about 10 days. They had some issues with their camper and were not able to get the parts. We ordered the parts for them through our Amazon account and they were able to do their repairs. We will stay in touch with them and add them to our list of camping friends. In the "For Craig" circle they left me an oyster shell to use for the e-bike kick stand when I'm on soft ground.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 101 The Life of a Camp Host

Another easy day. Three campers leaving and four arriving. I feel for our co-host as the campground will fill up tomorrow for the weekend, but we are off so I don't feel too bad...LOL. Rain is forecast for the entire weekend so she might get a break, many will cancel.
Helped the maintenance guys again today as our toilet's automatic flushers have been sticking. We end up taking the flush valve apart and rinsing it out. With all the rain lately we get some silt in our water. They should put a filter on the bathhouse, but that's not our call.
The find of the day was this pitch fork.
Seems the folks in one of the sites decided to leave early as rain is forecast for the entire weekend. They left this fork that they used for their fire stick. It was hanging on the lantern post. I asked the next door neighbors that if the owners came back (they are locals)  to tell them that I had their fire stick. Turns out the neighbors are cousins and will be happy to return the stick. Small World, but not here in south Georgia!
Off for the next three days. We are looking forward to movies, food, and Super Bowl Sunday.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 100 The Life of a Camp Host

Easy day for a camp host. Checked all the sites as this is our first day on. Have two campers leaving and two coming in. Bathhouse was hardly used.
Did a few repairs with our maintenance guys and the campground is all OK again!
Took a trail ride with one of our fellow campers. We had a good time and put some more miles on the E-Bike. Speaking of E-Bikes, I need a name for our new one as I'm tired of typing E-Bike! Any suggestions will be considered.
The find of the day was this dog bowl:
I felt sorry for this poor dog. This bowl was a mess. Kaylee would have turned her nose up and refused to eat out of it. It now lives in the camp dumpster which will get emptied tonight.
On again tomorrow and then off for the whole weekend. All is well in the Boss camp!

Winter Excursion 7, Day 99 The Life of a Camp Host

Not much to report today. We were off and spent most of the day hanging around camp. We did make a quick trip into town for a few things.
The pine pollen has started and it gets into everything.
The weather is perfect. Highs in the low 70s and into the 40s at night. Light breeze and no bugs yet! Forecast is for the same for the next few days.
As it is the middle of the week the campground is almost empty, but will fill up again on Friday, but we are off for the weekend! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 98 The Life of a Camp Host

I was sitting at our dinette this morning drinking coffee and watching the bird feeder which is always busy in the morning. Every once in awhile a bird will fly into our window at the dinette. This mornings crash took first prize. I heard a crash and looked up to see a Morning Dove stunned on the ground. After a few minutes it recovered and flew away, but I noticed a stain on the window.
If you look carefully (not at the bathhouse) you can see the imprint of that dove on the window. You can see the body, the outstretched wings, and the wing tips! I'm thinking it really wanted a sip of my coffee. I guess I shouldn't keep the windows so clean either!
We did a quick trip into town to top off the propane tanks. and spent the rest of the day around camp. Cath did laundry and I did some camp maintenance.
I took a nice trail ride with some of the other campers we've met. Afterward we all had a few toddies at our picnic table. The weather was perfect today and forecast to stay that way the rest of the week (70s and 50s).
One more day off tomorrow then back to work for a couple of days.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 97 The Life of a Camp Host

Just as I thought today was day to remember. We cleaned 18 sites. None of them were "spotless". I won't even post all the crap I found. OK I'll give it a try...molded cheese, hotdogs, chocolate, corn cobs, spit bottles, used Kleenex, plastic bottle caps, cans, and tons of little wrappers. I hope they all had a fun weekend!
After 18 sites I had a beer or two, a nice shower, and Cath made a super dinner.
The find of the day was not the boat, but I'm still searching.
So the find of the day turned out to be this dart (arrow). I'm glad that kid is gone and I won't have to be worried about being wounded.
All in all it was a good day and I will sleep great tonight! 


Winter Excursion 7, Day 96 The Life of a Camp Host

It seemed a little odd to me yesterday when I posted all the slips on the campsites, about ten of them had the same name. We figured out this morning that almost everyone in the campground is related to each other. They had quite the party going most of the day. Cleanup should be fun tomorrow!
The temps never got out of the fifties today and we had a stiff breeze. We sold 28 bundles of firewood! I'll be cleaning firepits tomorrow until the cows come home.
Except for all the comings and goings, speeding, loose dogs, driving the wrong way, and tons of parked vehicles it's been a nice day!
The find of the day was this piece of rope.
I found it on one of the water front sites. I'm guessing the squirrels chewed it and the boat drifted away. If we find the boat I'll post a pic of it here!

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 95 The Life of a Camp Host

At 1500 this afternoon there were four campers in the campground. By 1800 the campground was 100% full! Sunday will be a busy day when all these folks leave.
We had a Class C pull in and go the wrong way on our one-way loop. I went over and pointed out that the road is one-way. Their answer was "we know"! I didn't know what else to say, so I said have a good evening.
It was raining this morning, but by mid afternoon is was sunny and warm. We have had so much rain lately that I was not surprised at the find of the day.
I'm thinking this oyster shell washed in on all the flooding from the rains we've had. After all it's only 70 miles to the coast!


Friday, February 3, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 94 The Life of a Camp Host

The plan for today was to get our shopping finished after breakfast and do some trail riding in the afternoon. Mother Nature had other ideas! After a nice breakfast on the flattop we headed to the local Wally World and picked up all we needed for the next few days. While we were in the store the rain started that was forecast to start around 1700 this afternoon. Forget the trail riding, it's cribbage instead.
We are on duty for the next three days. The campground will be 100% full by tomorrow evening, so tomorrow and Sunday will be busy.
Stay tuned for more exciting finds of the day starting tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Winter Excursion 7, Day 93 The Life of a Camp Host

We left camp today on our day off and drove to Statesboro to get the truck serviced. It was it's first service and I was surprised we'd already put 10K on our new truck.
Spent just about an hour at the Ford Dealer and then headed to Hunter Army Airfield (HAAF) to hit the commissary and PX.
From there we headed to Fort McAllister State Park. It's just south of Savanna. It has a few more sites than what we are used to, but it might be a possible host position in the future. Time will tell.
We spent some time with the current host (Jan) and got "the lay of the land". The staff members we met were also very friendly and helpful.
Got back home late afternoon and all is well in our CG. We have one more day off, then work the weekend.