Monday, October 5, 2015

Maiden Voyage Day 7

Today was a travel day.  Holland MI to Newark OH.
Said bye to Erich after a nice breakfast.  Hooked up the camper and hit the road. Once again we broke our rule, the trip was 397 miles.
Got to our friend Gina's house with no problems.  Did a lot of back roads through IN and OH. Nice country and the scenery was much nicer than the inter-state.  
Gina's house is on a very steep hill and the camper would not fit up the driveway (no where to turn around).  So we left it in the yard at the bottom of the hill.  The yard was very soft and of course it slipped off the front jack.  The hitch is buried!  I'll post pics tomorrow.
Enjoying a cold one now and Gina made one of my favorites - Nasi Goring and Babi Pangangsaus,  Yum-Yum!.

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