It was a little windy today, so the boat never made it to the water. Seems the wind is calm first thing in the morning and then gets cooked up late morning and afternoon. By evening it is calm again. Here's a pic of mid afternoon:
Of course Kaylee is having a good time!
Here's one of me. Tried to drag that piece of drift wood up to the camper, but I guess that was in my younger days. Kaylee thinks it was doable.
We went for a ride late this morning to Wanakena, NY. There is nothing there but it is a quaint little village. It has a post office and a bar right next door (same building). The New York Ranger School is nearby and there is another small restaurant/bar nearby. We will try it out on Thursday.
Fried potatoes and ham steak (all on the grill) for dinner.
Here's a pic of the evening sunset.
Off to bed early. BTW: Cath won at cribbage today!
Woohoo for mama winning. That's a big log.