Monday, November 23, 2020

Winter Excursion 5, Day 21

Even after going to bed late the Kiddos were up and about at 0700.
The day started with some cereal for breakfast and then the craziness began. Here's Wesley showing us how full his belly is. He can't eat his cereal, but has plenty of room for M&Ms and Skittles.
After breakfast it was hairdo time. Here's a few of the "DOs". They had a name for each "DO", but I can't remember them.

Then it was outside time and into the hammock.
Even Kaylee thought they were crazy.
After lunch Kennedy made her first Pie Iron pie. It was cherry and turned out really good.
After the afternoon walk it was off to the fishing pier. Here's Wesley with the catch of the day.
Kennedy thinks Grandma's phone should be her's.
Here's Wesley showing off his dance moves. The neighbors all had a good chuckle.
After a good spaghetti dinner it was movie time or should I say evening nap time! 
It was a fun filled, exhausting day!

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