Monday, October 10, 2016

Maiden Voyage Revisited Day 8

We had a great day today!
Erich's classes got canceled and he was able to spend the whole day with us. He was at camp by 0930.  Cath and I got cleaned up (showers) and we headed to downtown Holland, MI.  It is a really fun downtown, lots of shops, craft beer joints, and restaurants. We ate at the Holland Brewery, had a great lunch and some local hard cider.  Cath got a few nick-naks for the camper and Kaylee had a good time with all the people in the area.
Afterward we headed to a "dog beach" and Kaylee had a great time.

Looking south.
 Looking north.
 Kaylee.  You've got to zoom in on this one!
Afterward we drove the coast road back to camp by some really nice homes ($$$$$$$). Played some cribbage with Erich and we had a blast, really enjoy our games. Had Chinese take-out for dinner so Cath didn't have to cook and it was actually very good.
After dinner we had a good surprise.  Cath and I bought a new bed for Kaylee for camping on those chilly nights.  We've had it for a few weeks, but she has refused to use it. It is actually a "dog cave" and she got in it for the first time this evening. She spent a few hours in there and actually turned around so her head was in the back.  I think we will have to pry her out of it from now on.
 Here's one of Erich, we will miss him when we have to leave on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE Kaylee in her snuggly dog bed! She's such a happy dog.
