Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Winter Excursion 3, Day 127

Woke up this morning to temps in the low 30s. It's supposed to get even colder for the next few days, but it sure beats the rain!
We left camp and went exploring. We drove to our next campground (Burchfield Branch) to check it out. It is a very nice campground, right on the river. Only problem is there is no cell service, probably not able to get a satellite shot, and there are no local OTA channels we could receive there. It is a 20 mile drive to the nearest grocery or cell service. Needless to say we are exploring other possibilities. It would be a super campground for a weekend, but not for two weeks.
Here's a pic of the entrance to the lock on the river.
This is the dam just upstream from the campground. The lock is to the right.
Stopped at a grocery for a few supplies, then headed back to camp. We spent the late afternoon relaxing, had a nice dinner, some TV, then off to bed. Temps will be in the 20s tonight.

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