Monday, December 5, 2016

Winter Excursion 1, Day 28

Woke this morning to leftover pancakes and smokey sausages, but the maple syrup (yep, New York only) made it great.  Ran a few errands, to include picking up our new table.  We have not been happy with the table in the camper since we got it.  Tried some new legs, but it was still too wobbly. Finally settled on a bar table.  Nice and heavy (51 lb) and almost no wobble. Best part is where it's made.....Holland, MI! (Hey Erich!) Check out Holland Bar Stool. Cath says she feels like "Chick Lounge" is alive and well with the new table.
After the errands Cath decided she was starving, I do my best to keep her fed, but today she needed a hot-dog.  Stopped at a joint near Bri & Nicoles place and the dogs were great. Next time we stop I'll get some pics.  Looks like a 60s joint and rocket ships are the theme.
Bri got home early as hanging the Christmas lights was the project of the day. After a few hours we got the following results:
Here's a twilight view.
And here's one when it was a little darker.
Cath and I are off to Georgetown, SC  tomorrow.  Lunch, seafood, and some nik-nack shops. Football tonight after some Turkey Soup.
We are really enjoying this traveling/camping stuff!


  1. Love the table and our lights...thanks for the help and the gift!

  2. Looks like you all are having lots of fun. The Christmas lights look great!

  3. The kids love looking at our "twinkle twinkle" lights... as do we! Thank you again!

  4. The look in Wesley's face tonight was priceless!
