Thursday, December 15, 2016

Winter Excursion 1, Day 38

Today was Pageant Day. Wesley woke up on the wrong side of the bed and had a WMD (Wesley Melt Down). He was not satisfied with fresh milk when he woke up, he wanted the old stuff from last night.
Nicole and Brian tied one on last night... so Grandma and Granddad had to stay over.  We started the day with an awesome breakfast (Farmers breakfast, courtesy of Nicole), and then off to the Pageant.
Selfie of the proud parents.
Wesley was jingle bell leader in the pageant.
And Kennedy was the Angel/North Star. The kids were so cute and we were all proud. 
Daddy and his angel
Back at the camper, Kiddos decided their voice sounds cool with a clip on their nose.

Kennedy decided that pink is great, even if it's freezing (supposed to go down to 28 tonight). Notice the Viszla nose.
Bri brought some nice steaks for dinner, we got the Kiddos in bed, Seahawk's game on the TV, and we drank too much wine again tonight.
Headed to bed and with 6 people in the camper it should be interesting..

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