Sunday, November 27, 2016

Winter Excursion 1, Day 20

Moving Day.  Cath and I awoke and got the camper ready to move by 1000. Kids and Kiddos showed up around 1100.  Cath, Nicole, and Kiddos headed off for a days adventure to Magnolia Plantation and Gardens.
The most photographed bridge in South Carolina.
 Cath and the Kiddos.
 Cath and Kennedy on the path.
 Cute selfie, Thanks Nicole!
 The Oaks in this area are beautiful. And they make great smelling campfires.
Bri and I hooked up the camper and headed back to Buck Hall (our favorite campground in the area). We detoured to his house and washed and waxed the camper, looks really nice, all clean again.  Picked up a sub for lunch on the way to Buck Hall. Got everything set up (to include Nicole's hammock) before the girls and Kiddos arrived. The girls made Thanksgiving leftover Stromboli for dinner (turkey, stuffing, cranberries), YUM!
Nicole found her favorite spot (thank goodness we got it up before she arrived).
This is Cath getting a few beers from the cooler.
A quick campfire, smores, and a few libations, and the kids were headed home.
I'm going to lay some wood in tomorrow as we are here for the next two weeks. Might even rinse off the truck as it is getting a little dusty.
A few more looks at football (the satellite is working great) then we are off to bed. No big plans for tomorrow.

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