Friday, January 25, 2019

Winter Excursion 3, Day 89

We left camp this morning and took a drive to Panama City, Panama City Beach, and Mexico Beach. Those town names should sound familiar as they were the ones hardest hit by Hurricane Michael in October. The damage is tremendous. We have never seen anything like it. We felt bad just being in the area for no reason other than to gawk!
These are pics from Panama City and Panama City Beach:

These pics are from Mexico Beach.

The house with the red roof is the only structure in Mexico Beach with no damage. The owner built it to withstand a CAT 5!

This is the road from Mexico Beach to Tyndall AFB.
And here's Tyndall. The place is destroyed. They are rebuilding. The campground is open!

We noticed lots of campers on many properties. Seems folks put campers where their house used to be or where their damaged house is until it is habitable again.
The area is rebounding. There are workmen and contractors everywhere. Blue tarps are on almost every roof. Keep in mind it's been three months or more since the hurricane. We can not imagine what it looked like right after the storm. To the north of Panama City we saw a huge pile (landfill). They are still hauling debris constantly to this place. It all gets ground-up and becomes part of the man-made mountain.
On a lighter note (this seems trivial) the dump station at our campground is open again.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. My son-n-law is still working there at Tyndall. They may (or may not) be getting orders elsewhere.
