Friday, July 20, 2018

Family Reunion Trip, Day 50

We got up this morning at 0600. I was greeted by this doe right outside the door. She could care less I was watching her.
We were on the road by 0700. Stopped in Bridgeport to dump the tanks, they charged $15, I'll always remember that!
We drove RT 395 for 300 miles today. Here's a few samples of the views we were treated to. The views (mountains) made the drive seem like 50 miles. Highest elevation was 8000 ft, I think we are at around 2500 now. CTC count was 276, lots of campers on RT 395.
Here's some pics from the drive. We could have included about 100 on the blog, but here's a few of the better ones.

Here's our new campsite. MCLB (Marine Corps Logistics Base) Barstow, CA.

And here's the thermometer! Reminds us of our Ft Irwin days.
A few toddies, some dinner, and a good night's sleep. It is hot as HEXX here!

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